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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  August 30, 2013 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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the bay bridge drivers because there are no bay bridge drivers. the san mateo bridge is what we're watching closely after yesterday's slow drive. we're seeing the build already. we'll give you the update coming up. >> reporter: in it's day two of the bay bridge closure and construction project. i'm christie smith. we'll tell you how deconstruction of the old bridge is going coming up in a live report. a live look outside. that's a really nice shot on this friday. take a look everybody. san francisco is all lit up. you can see the cloud cover off in the distance. rob mayeda is tracking that holiday weekend forecast for us, august 30th, this is "today in the bay." good morning to you and thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> guard morning. i'm marla tellez in for jon kelley. breaking news in the south bay where a traffic stop turned into an officer-involved shooting.
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the shooting happened hours ago. "today in the bay's" bob redell is live at the scene for us. >> reporter: we got officer morales with san jose pd. let me run through what happened. about 1:00, alum rock and king, your officers found a robbery suspect in a car. and what happened. >> correction. our officers actually located a vehicle that was matching the description of a robbery that occurred earlier in the morning. that vehicle was spotted in the area of king and mckee. the officers attempted to go ahead and stop that vehicle. one subject from the vehicle fled the scene on foot. the driver of the week took off southbound on king road. at some point the officers realized that the vehicle had gotten into an accident in this area at wilshire and king road. the officers attempted to go ahead and make contact with the
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driver of the car. the driver actually tried to run over the officer. the officer discharged his firearm. the suspect who was driving the vehicle was struck at least one time and has been transported to a local area hospital where he is currently being treated. >> condition of the suspect? >> right now it's unknown. he is at the hospital. there is one suspect that still is outstanding. we're trying to develop some information as far as what the description of that person was. it was rather dark, so the officers are still trying to determine the description and identity of the other suspect. >> quickly, the robbery was of? >> of a female. it happened in downtown san jose and she was robbed at gunpoint and personal property was taken. she did give a description of the suspects as well as the vehicle. again, the officers did locate that vehicle or the vehicle matching that description in the area of king and mckee. >> reporter: officer morales, thank you very much. here at king and wilshire, you can see behind me king is shut down from wilshire back down to
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alum rock. as you heard officer morales mention, one robbery suspect in the hospital after being shot by san jose police. another suspect, they're still trying to find, the one that took off on foot during the confrontation with police. as standard, homicide is out here. it's not to say someone is murdered. it's just that they're the unit assigned to investigate officer-involved shootings. reporting live in east san jose, bob redell, "today in the bay." 5:03. this morning a former south bay substitute teacher is behind bars accused of possessing child porn. san jose police say they found 2,000 images of child porn inside the home of this man, brian westfall. west dlooeft fall worked as a substitute teach esh in oak grove and previously worked with kids at the ymca. this morning the oak grove school district release add statement that reads in part, according to the san jose police department there is no evidence
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to suggest any students within the oak grove school district were involved with or exposed to the alleged criminal actions of this individual. end quote. police are now interviews former students as part of its investigation. >> it is sentencing day for a former south bay youth sports referee. 50-year-old scott dumb knauer was convicted last month of committing lewd acts and sending porn to three teenage girls. they began investigating him last year when he contacted a 14-year-old girl on social media. he was later arrested at his home in san jose. he now faces more than 14 years in prison. 5:04. day two of the bay bridge closure. everything appears to be going as planned. a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza this morning. we'll try to get that for you. it's kind of interesting to see because there's no cars, just a lot of construction crews out there. today will start paving the westbound lanes from your ba buena island. the new span is expected to open
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by 5:00 a.m. on tuesday. "today in the bay's" christie smith joins us live near the toll plaza with the daunting task where they're taking apart the old bridge. >> reporter: happy friday. this is day two of a 24-hour operation to try and get the new eastern span ready. i want to step aside so you can see a little bit of the work going on here this morning. it was quiet until maybe the last five or ten minutes ago. then we started seeing the heavy equipment moving again. one of the critical parts in all this is of course the toll plaza, removing the asphalt, grinding and doing the repaving. we got a closer look, though, at some of the work going on yesterday including the deconstruction of the original westbound approach to the bay bridge to make way for the bike path connector and putting in a protective polyester layer over the area near yurba buena tunnel. tearing the old bridge apart will be no easy task. the half-mile long cantilever is
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made up of 550 million pounds of steel. engineers have been studying how the bridge was put together in the first place to try and help them. >> we're looking at how it was built so we can basically, for lack of a better term, unbuild it and reverse that order. >> reporter: and again we're seeing more and more of the heavy equipment starting to roll in this morning. i wanted to show you something if we can come back here live, if henry can pan down to this. right here you can see this is some of the grinding work that went on. that is that they had to pull out the old asphalt. so one of the next things they're going to do is lay the new asphalt down. again, we're starting to see the heavy equipment moving again this morning. but everything is on schedule to reopen by tuesday morning. reporting live at the bay bridge toll plaza, christie smith, "today in the bay." >> thanks so much, christie. we have everything you need to know about the bay bridge closure on our website, there's a link on the top
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left-hand corner of the home page that will take you to the bay bridge closure guide. you can also sign up to receive traffic alerts sent directly to you. it's 5:07. u.n. inspectors in syria this morning are expected to wrap up their investigation into allegations of a deadly chemical weapons attack last week. they will report their findings to u.n. secretary general ban ki moon. meanwhile the obama administration says it intends to seek comment from congress and allies on how to respond to the attack. president obama says he's sure the syrian government is behind the attacks and considering a military strike against that country. the syrian government denies the allegations. we'll have much more on syria including how americans feel about a possible military strike. that's coming up in a live report at 5:45. 5:07. we continue to keep an eye on the rim fire this morning. pretty amazing images sent to us by pilots for us airways. the fire just 32% contained has already burned more than 200,000
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acres. there's about 5,000 firefighters fighting those flames and they may just let it burn. part of the fire is burning in yosemite and that falls under the jurisdiction of the national park service and operates under the belief that fires are natural and a useful tool for the environment. so they'll let the fire burn out as long as it's not threatening anything. that means while the fire could be contained next month, it could actually smolder for weeks longer and will not truly be put out until the first rain or snow and then the growth period that happens could take years, decades. >> it's really affecting people's plans on this labor day weekend because of the air quality out there. meteorologist rob mayeda in for christina this morning. good morning. >> good morning, marla and laura. you saw the incredible view of the smoke moving to the north. same wind direction today will push the smoke up towards the lake tahoe basin. temperatures around yosemite pretty hot, too. mid to upper 90s during the day today. the smoke will continue to move towards lake tahoe.
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it's been the story this week and will continue to be the story this weekend. this is for particulate matter in the unhealthy range we expect for the next four days. maybe improvement on monday as the winds shift a little more out of the west and hopefully pushes more of the smoke away from lake tahoe. mid 60s sunnyvale and san jose as we get into the afternoon, what's left of the morning fog, even around san francisco and oakland. 72 today in san francisco. 85 in san jose and south of downtown we do think we'll get 90s today in the tri-valley, some of the hottest temperatures around the bay area with low 90s. 80s in the north bay. for your labor day weekend plans, by the time we get into sunday, more clouds coming in, clouds spilling up out of southern california. temperatures starting to cool down a little bit as they go through the holiday weekend. sunday night into monday there's a slight chance of seeing a few isolated showers at times. waez go into monday morning we think for the coastal hilltops. then we turn drier and a bit warmer approaching the middle
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part of next week. >> a good view of the san mateo bridge, no fog for the drivers coming across. s that good news. but there are a lot of drivers coming across. look at the volume of headlights off the high-rise over to foster city, 101. we'll take you to the maps as well. despite the big volume, basically at the limit across the bridge, no slowing. over on the toll plaza side, the hayward side, we're hearing about a crash, sounds like it's right near the transition there. a car hit some of the sand barrels at the off-ramp. that's causing a problem. it doesn't sound like any major injuries, but a lot of chp officers heading over there. dumbarton bridge, the bottom of your screen, highway 84 moves smoothly. yesterday a good amount of traffic as folks avoided the san mateo bridge. watch for a heavier flow today. 880 and 580, a smooth drive.
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today we're looking okay. send it back to you. it is 5:10. cal says thanks but no thanks. when school is refusing to hold the big game at the soon to be open levi stadium. the new study that finds worrying about money could actually lower your iq. >> i'll do the worrying for you. we'll take a look at facebook changes to the privacy policy all coming up in business. unbelievable.
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shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet. yeah, our babysitter didn't have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter.
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we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... open levi stadium. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. welcome back everyone. it's 5:13. financial stress may hit more than just your wallet. it turns out your brain may feel that pinch as well. the study published in the journal of science shows being stressed over money could negatively impact a person's iq. researchers found that those who worried about having enough money to pay the bills lost about 13 iq points. the scientists say financial stress controls thinking and the effects of similar to going a night without sleep. facebook is updating its
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privacy policies to better explain how the company uses you to advise. scott mcgrew has more clarification. >> if you get some sourt of outraged posting on your facebook wall, angry about the new changes, you can point out most of this was under way already. facebook has been using your postings and likes and other data to support its advertising all along. it's more just making the policy clearer. facebook just settled a privacy lawsuit and doesn't want another. facebook shares could jump to a record high today. they closed at 4128 thursday afternoon. all time high is $41.94. sam ramon chevron inked a deal for oil reserves in argentina. it's the largest for argentina since it privatized the local oil company. good news on jobs, number of americans applying for
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first-time jobless benefits fell to the lowest in five years. let's check the markets with jackie. >> good morning. the futures are higher this morning after we did see stocks rise for a second day on thursday. this was after investors reacted to data that showed the u.s. economy grew 2.5% this spring, more than economists previous live thought. meantime the markets paired their gains by a close. that was at we neerd the end of the month. traders are doing that traditional window dressing, shifting whiners and losers within their portfolios. oil prices, also another area people are watching, below $108 a barrel after the british parliament rejected military action in syria, that leaves the u.s. to go it alone. look for data on manufacturing, spending and consumer sentiment. the dow closed up 16 points, 14,840, the nasdaq adding 26 to
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3620. microsoft will reportedly take an investment in four scare in order to get more data about what's going on locally. local data, who is doing what where is gold these days. services need granular street level stuff. there's a company called gigwa that's paying people to get the data, what time the dry cleaner or doughnut store closes or might hire you to take a picture of the restaurant menu. the founder is a guest on press here. >> today maybe you're a real estate agent, you have this extra time. why can't we use it for data collection but also real work. >> it's a clever idea. on your way home from work, we'll pay you ten bucks to stop off and tell us what time the dry cleaner closes or some piece of data that one of those companies like yelp or trulia is missing. >> where do i sign up? >> you literally download the app.
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>> it kind of pings you -- >> it knows your location. i saw about 20 jobs in san jose. there are a million jobs in san francisco. i think companies are more at tuned to it in san francisco. but it might be procter & gamble who says go into walgreen's and find out what the most expensive toothpaste is, we need to know that in your zip code. great for them. great for you, too. >> meteorologist christina loren has the day off as we head into this labor day weekend. rob mayeda is in. just like yesterday, we were saying it's very balmy and it is again today. >> a repeat of what we had yesterday. some temperatures waking up in the mid 60s this morning. we get our foggy mornings. usually that includes temperatures in the 50s. if you start off with patchy low clouds and 65 degrees, it's sticky outside this morning. 64 in fairfield and san jose. 60 in san francisco. sea breeze not quite as strong. this is why our afternoon temperatures will be climbing up. you can see the humidity this
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morning. by the afternoon we'll see the humidity levels probably 40% to 50% around san jose. it will feel a bit more tropical outside. out at the a's game we should see temperatures in the low 70s as the game kicks off at 7:00. we'll see those numbers dropping through the upper 60s. satellite radar view shows you we don't have numbers this the sierra right now. that can change as moisture is firing off severe weather east of l.a. starts to creep further to the north as we move through the weekend. unfortunately the smoke, we do think will hang around lake tahoe as the smoke from the rim fire moves from south to north. for the bay area, trough of low pressure approaching the coast may school up the moisture from the south in southern california, enough of it maybe by sunday night. drizzle or light showers in the coastal mountains sunday night into monday. today low clouds breaking up between san francisco and oakland. we'll continue to the fog from
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pacifica to half moon bay. sunshine and mid 80s today. san jose climbing up to 85 degrees. low 90s south of downtown and there you see 85 around santa cruz. around the tri-valley, numbers in the low to mid 90s. toasty from sunol, pleasanton, danville. 72 degrees in san francisco. mid to upper 80s in the north bay. so today feeling a lot like summer as we get into the unofficial end of summer. your labor day weekend forecast shows cooling. that's the effect of the sea breeze. more clouds sunday into monday. slight risk of isolated showers for the coastal range. stay tuned for that. thunderstorms in the sierra and temperatures rebound, probably 90s later this week. it's the unofficial end of summer this weekend. but summer officially ends the third week of september, mike. there's still time. >> i think it's up for discussion for some of the kids back in school already. good to know about the white
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shoes as well after labor day. looking toward the south bay where your traffic flow is really nice. an easy drive, we expect a friday lighter traffic. friday, before that labor day weekend rob is talking about. it should be really light for the most part throughout the south bay. we will have slowing. we still have classes at san jose state. also an issue for the south bay coming into the area, yesterday south 880 experienced a big flow of traffic south of the dumbarton bridge. i think this was affected by the bay bridge because folks were avoiding the dumbarton bridge which saw a lot more traffic and heading toward 237 to connect them over toward 101 and the peninsula. the reason they avoided the dumbarton bridge is because folks were avoiding the san mateo bridge pushing them down to 84. that was the big issue there. right now the san mateo bridge is most likely the most popular bridge for this morning's commute. looking westbound, traffic flow you can see the high-rise and a smooth drive right now. no delays but a good volume of traffic going on since 4:00 in the morning we've seen this heavy flow. a crash approaching the toll plaza makes things more difficult, but not a lot of
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slowing through the area. we'll show you a live look at the construction that is going on as you're approaching that bay bridge toll plaza. that's losing three lanes approaching the curve. now late slowing out of berkeley toward emeryville. we'll end with the live shot. the closure continues through the weekend. expect the eastshore freeway through berkeley and emeryville to be slow all through the labor day. back to you. 5:21. the emergency transport helicopter that usually lands on the roof of stanford hospital will be landing on a temporary helipad which will be relocated september 9th to accommodate elevator renovations. patients floen in will be met by an ambulance and transported to the emergency department. the change is expected to last until november. cal fans have spoken. it looks like the 2014 big game against stanford is staying at memorial stadium. cal athletics director sandy barber made the announcement in a letter to fans and supporters that the big game would not be
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moving to the 49ers new home, levi stadium. she says the athletic department did consider all the aspects of the proposal and listened to alumni, students and ticket holders and donors. it prompted angry responses from fans, didn't want to break with tradition. >> can't please everybody. it is 5:22. the week event in the north bay to honor the 50th anniversary of a classic film. >> pretty cool. farmers presents: fifteen seconds of smart. so you want to drive more safely? take deep breaths. avoid bad weather. [ whispers ] get eight hours. ♪ [ shouts over music ] turn it down! and, of course, talk to farmers. hi. hi. ♪ we are farmers bum - pa - dum, bum - bum - bum - bum ♪
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breaking news we're following in the south bay this morning. has now been a second officer-involved shooting happening overnight. we had reporter bob redell live at the scene of the first one that happened near king road and alum rock avenue. that was after a traffic stop and report robbery. one person was shot, take tone the hospital. another person fled on foot.
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but now a second officer-involved shooting, this one at san carlos and meridian. we understand that it followed an arm robbery that happened about 4:45 this morning. this information just coming into our newsroom. reporter bob redell is headed to the scene to gather new information on that. two officer-involved shootings in san jose in just a matter of hours apart. >> a busy night for san jose pd for sure. 5:25. let's take a look at the forecast. meteorologist rob mayeda. a nice weekend in store. >> see temperatures cooling this weekend. this morning you can probably leave the jacket at home if you're watching us in the south bay. 80s to mid 90s inland today in those east bay and south bay valleys. labor day weekend temperature wise looks good, temperatures cooling as we head into sunday. a chance of mountain thundershowers in the sierra. >> we're watching the effects of the closure of the bay bridge that continues today through labor day. we're looking at the san mateo
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bridge. this is the peninsula approach. all morning long since at least 4:00 in the morning we've seen a heavy volume of traffic continuing. no major delays across the bridge. a lot of company looking on the maps from 92 over toward 101 where we have over the last hour seen speeds into the upper 50s at times. that's to be expected with that volume of traffic coming over from the hayward side. a crash reported blocking your fast lane causing slowing in addition to the volume of traffic. hope you have fastrak for the san mateo bridge or the dumbarton bridge. a look at the transit system. 5:26. a special celebration in the north bay this weekend honoring the 50th anniversary of the hitchcock classic "the birds." in 1963 the famous film was released. one of the scenes was shot at the potter's school house in
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bodega. tomorrow there will be a three-day festival to celebrate the making of that movie. among the highlights, an autograph session with star tippi hedren and also an evening screening of the movie. i've been to that school house. they still have artifacts there where you can see -- >> you can't help but look up when you're in bodega bay. 5:27. new details this morning, san jose police involved in that second off-involved shooting. as i mentioned earlier, bob redell is headed to the scene of this new shooth. busy night. he's going to join us with a live update as soon as he arrives. firefighters continue to battle that rim fire burning close to the hetch hetchy reservoir. there's concern it could affect our drinking water over the next couple years.
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good morning. friday off to a muggy start. waking up to temperatures in the mid 60s with 90s in the forecast today. a look at that coming up.
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also, we're still avoiding the bay bridge because it's closed. the crash on the san mateo bridge is much more of a concern. we'll give you an update coming up. a live look outside. there it is, the bay bridge without a car on it. still looks gorgeous as ever. that's a clear shot. look at the bay there. >> isn't it gorgeous. >> crystal clear on this friday, august 30th. tgif. this is "today in the bay." good morning. thanks for being with us. it's 5:30. i'm marla tellez in for jon kelley. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. we continue to follow breaking news this morning. san jose police report ag second off der-involved shooting within the past four hours. the most recent one happened after an armed robbery near the intersection of san carlos and meridian in the midtown area. officers exchange gunfire with the suspect. the officer not hurt.
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bob redell will have a live report as soon as he gets there. officers are not sure if it is related to another officer-involved shooting that happened earlier this morning. that one happened near homes along balboa avenue just off king road and alum rock avenue. police say two people robbed a woman in downtown san jose and took off in a car. officers tracked down the car, tried to pull it over. there was some sort of confrontation and an officer shot one of the suspects. >> -- tried to run over the officer. the officer discharged his firearm striking the driver of the vehicle. >> the other suspect is still on the run. >> it is day two of the bay bridge closure and everything appears to be going as planned. let's give you a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. plenty of work crews out. in about a half hour or so we'll check in with christie smith to
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check out how construction went overnight. today crews will pave the westbound lanes from yerba buena island to the eastern span. yesterday we received a look at just how much work has already been done. crews are demolishing asphalt on the upper deck and removed a large amount of steel. the goal is to have the bridge reopened by late monday night or early tuesday morning. you can expect b.a.r.t. to be extra crowded today because of the bay bridge closure. between 4:00 and 10:00 a.m. yesterday almost 31,000 more riders took b.a.r.t. that's compared to the same time period last year. b.a.r.t. expects the trend will continue until the bridge reopens. the san francisco bay ferries will also be crowded. there was a 57% increase in ridership in the first day of the closure with 1700 more people taking ferries compared to earlier this week. for everything you need to know about the closure, go to we put a link on the top left-hand corner of our home
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page. that's where you'll find our bay bridge closure gheit complete with traffic maps and other transit options. >> the best up to the date information right now -- >> this guy standing next to us. >> if you get sent to voice mail it's because i'm on the phone with either laura or marla. looking toward the berkeley curve. that's where folks traditionally would make their turn toward the right side of the screen. those lanes are closed, obviously going to be the case as well as the hov overcrossing. the folks with the taillights are squeezing toward 580, interstate 880 heading south from the maze itself. as we look at the map, that closure starts back at powell. that's why we see the slowing on the approach. we saw the slowing all morning, speeds down below 10 miles per hour at times from golden gate fields through berkeley. expect a heavier flow of traffic there and throughout the weekend, seeing slowing as the traffic starts to build a bit. the rest of the maze moves smoothly as folks move past the
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bay bridge which as you see on the red there, that's the closed section of the freeway. to the north we're using the richmond-san rafael bridge, a little slowing approaching the toll plaza. yesterday morning saw both directions with a good slowdown during the middle of the morning commute. this being a friday before labor day, we might get a break there. no break for the san mateo bridge. all night heavily traveled. you see the little bit of orange and speeds coming down below 50 as you're heading past clow eter. then both 92 and 84, the dumbarton bridge also showing a nice smooth flow. you'll see 84 with a heavier volume. that's why this live look through fremont, more traffic like it did yesterday. it might not be as dramatic as yesterday. again, folks around the dumbarton bridge were moving south to avoid the backup at 84, went down to 237. that affected your flow of traffic into the south bay. back to you. >> thank you so much. >> actually sending it to rob.
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>> looking at the temperatures this morning in the mid 60s around the south bay. you may find some patchy fog, perhaps up around the north bay, too. mike has been watching that on the roadways towards santa rosa and napa. 50s there, 60s in san francisco and 64 in fairfield. the sea breeze is still out there, but not too strong. not getting into livermore this morning. the satellite view will be interesting as we get into the weekend. the thunderstorms in the deserts will try to drift to the north. some of the changes, as we get into the weekend, we'll see some of the moisture out of the south later this weekend. that's going to bring us a chance of maybe some mountain showers by the time we get into let's say sunday evening on into monday morning, especially around the coastal range we'll be watching that late sunday night. for the bay area today, low clouds to start after your morning, then breaking up but staying on the coast as we head through the afternoon today. pacifica towards half moon bay, upper 60s to near 70.
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highs today in the mid 80s, that's the warm spot. if you head to the coast, off to an early start today, 85 for san jose and santa cruz, 90 south of downtown. temperatures in the low to mid 90s. 72 in san francisco, upper 80s in the north bay. you can see here in the forecast we're going to see some cooling as we go through the weekend. the sea breeze is going to strengthen which will lead to cooler temperatures and we hope push some of the smoke away from lake tahoe. for now air quality alerts due to the smoeth pollution will continue in the sierra for the next couple days. marla? >> thanks so much. it is 5:36. as the wildfire continues to burn tuolumne county, these new i'm panels here were sent to us by us airways pilots flying over the fire. you can see the plumes of smoefk billowing high across the skichlt it's an amazing bird's eye view of the massive wildfire about the size of new york city. the fire has burned almost
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200,000 acres and it's just 32% contained. 5500 structures are still threatened, but the good news is evacuation orders tuolumne city have been lifted. almost 5,000 firefighters are on the ground battling the flames. the wildfire has already destroyed 111 buildings. that includes 11 homes. the prior is burning close to the hetch hetchy reservoir by supplies a good portion of the bay area with drinking water. the san francisco public utilities commission says the water is fine and still meets drinking quality standards. however, the "san francisco examiner" reports the real trouble could come in the next few years after the trees and vegetation around the reservoir die off. that's when the land is more susceptible to erosion. a little rain and landslides could send sediment into the water and that could make drinking water cloudy. the so-called snake scam suspect strikes again this morning. detectives on both sides of the bay area trying to figure out if they're looking for the same
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woman. so far there are reports of this type of crime in several parts of the city. a woman who looked similar to the suspect in this sketch from union city, the suspect said she needed to go inside to check for snakes. the woman let her in. the woman says she became suspicious when the skaerm told her to go into the back room. in this case nothing was stolen, but in previous cases the family did go to the back yard and a second person comes in and robs them. >> at the forefront -- new reports of an attack in the northern part of syria. we'll take you live to washington next. texting drivers may not be the only ones to pay in the
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event of an accident. when we will tell you about a new court ruling.
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we are keeping a close eye on the developments in syria this morning as new video of a possible attack on a school has come in. it is graphic. a bbc team in northern syria witnessed the aftermath of the horrific attack. witnesses say they saw a fighter jet drop an incendiary bomb on a school playground. they heard a low explosion, saw columns of smoke and fire. bbc reports more than 10 students were killed and others had burns over more than 50% of their bodies. today in the bay's tracie potts live on capitol hill joins us with the latest. good morning, tracie. >> reporter: good morning. the big question is who dropped that bomb and others and chemical weapons that are
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causing these types of injuries and deaths in syria. now we have the u.s. public weighing in as well in a new nbc news poll just out a few hours ago. we learned that 50% in this country are against military action in syria. that number flips and 50% are for it when it's restricted to only missiles that are fired from offshore navy warships. 80% say they want congress to step in and approve this first. that's why president obama is under some pressure here. he was briefing members of congress with his national security team just last night on where they stand, and here is where all of the allies stand. the u.s., president obama hasn't made a decision on military action. great britain has. they've decided not to get involved. the prime minister wanted them to. the vote in parliament for that was no. france in a new interview this morning, the president of france says he may still get involved and he does not need the
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approval of his parliament. so no consensus yet from the allies as that violence in syria continues. laura? >> all right. thank you very much. meantime the director of national intelligence will soon begin releasing annual reports about the nsa's surveillance activity. the report will disclose the total number of court approvals granted for a range of surveillance request, including national security letters. the agency's first transparency report is expected to be released late this fall. fema is launching a new campaign this labor day weekend to try to get families ready for mrnl. the agency is going after a weak spot just to get you to listen. >> i'll pack the dead batteries. >> i'll only put what i don't need into a duffle bag. >> perfect. that's totally unhelpful. >> the new campaign mocking a family ill prepared for an emergency. fema's tim manning says it's because parents may not listen to fema, but they will listen to their kids getting the kids to listen to
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parents is a whole other story. 5:43 right now. labor day monday and there are a number of things to do, celebrating the end of summer this weekend. >> what you can do is the king's mountain art fair in sky lane boulevard in woodside celebrating the 50th anniversary this weekend. 50 years ago the festival featured just a couple dozen members of the pine needle sewing club, now grown to one of the premier art fairs in the state. the fair runs saturday through money and it doesn't cost a penny to get inside. >> or outside. the venue is beautiful. also this weekend the harvest wine celebration. this sunday and monday. for $55 attendees get to taste all the wineries and get a voouf near glass, but bring your own driver. >> dd very important. typically it can be pretty hot this time of year in livermore. it's going to be picture perfect if you want to go wine tasting. meteorologist rob mayeda in for
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christina today. >> it's the hot temperatures which help to ripen the grapes. it sure is clockwork as we get intercept, usually comes close to harvest time. it does look nice in livermore. i' have a look in your seven-day forecast. it's muggy outside. no doubt you noticed that, low clouds in san jose, 64 degrees, 65 in sunnyvale. notice the wind direction not too strong coming in around san francisco. in fact, the winds are relatively light. it's flat across the bay this morning in terms of the water, and you can see the southwest winds at 14 into fairfield. so a little hint of a sea breeze. high humidity this morning. it will feel sticky as we head into the afternoon. shoush nice for the oakland a's game later this evening. 70s around first pitch, dropping into the upper 60s as the game goes on with patches of low clouds. on the satellite view, looks quiet except for obviously we have the low clouds that spilled in around the bay this morning. though later on into the weekend, you'll see more clouds and cooling and some of the
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moisture firing up big time thunder east of los angeles is going to drift to the north as a trough of low pressure approaches the coast. that's going to increase the sea breeze, bring in cooling, but possibly these two interacting, the right combination sunday night, might see an isolated shower sunday night into monday. the winds will hopefully try to push some of the smoke away from lake tahoe by monday and tuesday of next week. so hour by hour, you can see down the coast from pillar point, half moon bay, patches of low clouds. we will get mostly sunny skies around santa cruz before the low clouds spill in again towards this evening. 85 in mill pete dass and san jose. low 90s south of downtown san jose and around the tri-valley. if you head out to livermore, you'll see the numbers in the 90s today. 80s into the weekend. 70s< around oakland. up towards the north bay you'll see the highs in the upper 80s. today does feel like summer
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outside. especially the temperatures redwood city, 93 in livermore and turning cooler sunday into monday. you can see the clouds coming in, slight risk of a mountaintop shower. good bit of sierra thunder on sunday. our temperatures rebound as we head towards thursday. summer is going to stick around. at least officially it will do that through about the 20th of september. >> i'll take that. good stuff. we'll take this as well. the south bay showing just the traditional slowing. this is north of 101. speeds coming down just below 60 miles per hour. a gentle build for your freeway through o out the south bay. moat the traffic shift, more traffic south of 880 south of the dumbarton bridge probably all weekend or at least during the commute times because folks were avoiding the dumbarton bridge. that was a relief for the san mateo bridge which was a relief in the alternate for the bay bridge. it ripples back down into the south bay. west 92 experiencing two, maybe three crashes over the last hour, hour and a half heading toward the san mateo bridge toll
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plaza. that's why we see the slowing and the good volume of traffic. traffic westbound has been steady. still moving smoothly across the flat section. the volume building off the high-rise toward the foster city side as well. keep in mind it will change as folks head from san mateo back into the city as well. another look outside. we'll see the volume of traffic coming down 880 past the coliseum. we'll get a look out there as well. we want to remember that mass transit is a great option. b.a.r.t. added longer trains and more service. ac transit has adjusted their schedule and stops. the ferry sounded like a great solution yesterday, good stuff. let's not forget about the rest of the bay area. it's friday, we have a commute but not a wlot of slowing. back to you. 5:48. california law says texting and driving is illegal. but texting someone you know who is driving could soon be illegal
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as well. a new jersey court recently ruled a person who knowingly texts a driver can share liability if that driver causes an accident. a new jersey couple injured by a teen driver who was texting sued the driver and his girlfriend who texted him. the new jersey appeals court cleared the girlfriend of wrongdoing in this case but says, if someone texts a person they know is driving, they can be held liable. a new bill focusing on limousine safety following the tragic fire on the san mateo bridge faces a critical vote in sacramento. the state assembly appropriations committee is considering the bill authored by local state senator jerry hill. it would require all limos to have two fire extinguishers and pass an annual inspection by the chp. right now only li-- the limousi that caught fire was licensed to carry eight passengers, no fire
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extinguisher was on board. five women tragically died in that fire. 5:49. we continue to follow breaking news. san jose police involved in another officer-involved shooting. it's the second this morning. bob redell is on the scene and we'll have a live report from him coming up. plus we have gadget friday, an iphone case with an enormous battery inside. why would you need an enormous battery? we'll find out coming up.
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at 5:52. we continue to follow breaking news. san jose police reporting an officer-involved shooting, the second in the past four hours. this one happening just already 5:00 mere the intersection of san carlos and meridian. if you know the area, you know this is close to the safeway right there. "today in the bay's" bob redell is live at the scene. is this related to the first one? >> reporter: not related. two separate incidents. in this instance the officer missed, the suspect was not hit
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but has been taken into custody. it was around quarter to 5:00 this morning that the suspect robbed the midtown safe way, robbed it at gunpoint. a few moments later this person was seen over in this general area, only a couple blocks away from the safe way on san carlos near lincoln. this person was seen in the middle of the street in the intersection with a gun. police arrived, it doesn't sound like this suspect was actually pointing the gun at anyone, but might have had it in their waistband. the bottom line according to police is the officer felt threatened, saw the gun. the officer shot at this suspect, missed, but the suspect went down perhaps for fear of his life and effectively surrendered. that suspect is now in custody. again, this is the second officer-involved shooting overnight here in san jose and the first one we're at earlier in east san jose. that was another armed robbery suspect was hit.
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their condition unknown. still looking for a second suspect in that incident. is the armed robbery at the midtown safe way. that suspect is now in custody. reporting live in midtown san jose, bob redell, "today in the bay." >> a very active night there. 5:54. it is also gadget friday. scott mcgrew has an iphone case. what's so special about it? >> this is a case called a yellow jacket, despite the fact that it's black. i have a closer look at it for you. other than being sort of large, it doesn't appear to be anything usual. but you'll see the one i have in my hand, i have flipped the safety off. there are two metal leads at the top and then this. 650 volts in this battery. so mike was supposed to come over. i don't know where he went. >> that sounds like a bug zapper. >> you can use it for bugs or
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bad guys. it doesn't shoot anything out. it is a stun gun in your iphone case. i suppose you turn the safety off and then hold it to your head. >> during the commercial break i asked to see that and he brought it over to set. i could have pushed that thing and not known. there's a safety. >> it would have been quite shocking. marla, you would have had to take it from her. perfectly safe with the safety off and there's a cover for the leads as well. there is a process if you feel threatened. i can see holding this in your hand with the safety cover down and the safety on as you walk, say to your car or something like that. only 18 and a above. this is an actual weapon so there are california laws involved in this. but it is an effective way, because you always have your phone with you. >> how much is it? >> $139. you can get it online. yellow jacket is the name of the
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product. >> fascinating really. >> not just dangerous to be a texting find anymore. >> rob mayeda, a pleasant day in store for us. >> nothing shocking about the forecast. what might be shocking is the humidity. waking up to 60s by the afternoon. mid 80s in san jose. 90s inland. the weekend is going to be running a little cooler. more clouds coming our way and a chance of mountain thundershowers approaching monday. >> scott wanted to test my controller and do something. i'm not going to let him touch this. nothing shocking over here except the volume of traffic going across some of your bay area routes affected by this bay bridge closure. losing a couple lanes for the eastshore freeway as you approach powell. that's why you get slowing down to the berkeley curve. going to be slow all weekend through this stretch, the eastshore freeway. another live look shows you
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where traffic flows nicely. it will be tough as we end with this shot getting out of the city all weekend. back to you. >> mike, thanks so much. 5:57. coming up, a behind-the-scenes look, as the old span of the bay bridge is dismachbt ld. we'll hear from the loan survivor of the arizona hotshots team that died during a massive fire earlier this year. we continue to follow the breaking news4 in the south bay. two times within a four-hour span a san jose police officer fires at a suspect. bob redell will have new details coming up.
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very muggy conditions around
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the bay. 90 for your friday forecast. a look at that coming up. as we continue to avoid the bay bridge, we have the opposite situation for the san mateo bridge, a series of crashes on the hayward side have complicated things. we'll give you the latest on your adjusted morning commute. >> and, is this not just gorgeous everybody? that's ridiculous. that's a postcard right there. a live look at the bay bridge. not a car on it because crews are busy connecting the new eastern span to the toll plaza: they have made significant progress in the last 24 hours. we'll have video with christie smith. this it's friday, august 30th. this is "today in the bay." beautiful shot out there. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm marla tellez in


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